Tmux for fun and Profit

I’ve known about TMUX for a few years now but never got around to checking it out. It’s not until the past few weeks where I’ve spent most of my time in the terminal for various projects that I’ve really felt the need to dig in and learn the basics. Installation - TMUX sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install tmux Done Installation - Tmuxinator gem install tmuxinator The reason I use Tmuxinator is it’s a great way to set environment setups that persist through reboot....

June 15, 2017 · 2 min · Mike Bell

My dad, business and me

I have this memory of when I was young, we used to go camping in something called a Dandy, one day I remember my dad making sketches on a scrap bit of paper, I was young I didn’t really understand what they were but he seemed quite excited at it. Fast forward through the years and I’ve seen my dad build a business from nothing. Developing Powershade and various other products he’s built a successful company, one that I never really understood but feel immensely proud of....

March 4, 2017 · 2 min · Mike Bell

The hardest part of our jobs

This post is a follow up on: Why is admitting I can’t do something the hardest part of my job? Stupid stupid hangup. — Mike Bell (@mikebell_) December 20, 2016 There became a point over the past two years where it dawned on me that I was a good coder. It sounds like I’m talking out of my ass but it’s true, I noticed when asked to solve complex problems and found the solution came really easy to me....

December 22, 2016 · 3 min · Mike Bell

Hey how are you?

Like most conversations do it starts with a “Hey, how are you?”. What people don’t know is the mental twists that my brain goes through in the split second it takes me to answer. Do I tell them: my heart is jumping out of my chest? my brain is wound up tight? I’d rather be somewhere else where I felt safe? I’m struggling with anxiety? I spend most of my day close to tears?...

October 4, 2016 · 1 min · Mike Bell

Hello my old friend

I’ve not missed you not at all. I wish you weren’t back but here we are my dear friend/enemy Propranolol. The past few weeks have been really tough, break downs, anxiety attacks all fun stuff. So there it is the beta blockers are back so I can retain some form of functionality I don’t want this but it’ll get me through the next few weeks when I can focus on rebuilding my mental health defenses....

September 12, 2016 · 1 min · Mike Bell