I’m proud to announce Drupal Sprints Manchester (UK). Last year at Drupal Camp NW I spoke with various other northern Drupalers and decided that we should get together and attempt to emulate Drupal Sprints London.
The format is simple, Drupal developers / themers / builders get to together and work on Drupal core and contrib.
My aim is to provide a space where people can get together and get stuck in working on Drupal and giving back to the community in the form of code, all that’s required is a laptop with an development stack and your brain.
The first meetup will be held on the 26th October at Techhub in Manchester more details can be found here - http://www.meetup.com/nwdrupal/events/142003462/
If you intend on coming then please sign up so we have a good idea of the numbers.
Please help spread the word!