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My Keyboards
·305 words·2 mins
I’ve gone a bit mad on keyboards recently, mostly due to geekhack and r/mechanicalkeyboards. I’ve got the following boards at the moment: Ducky Shine 3 - ISO - Brown switches - This is a 75% keyboard, it’s missing the number pad on the right side.
The Problem with Points = Time
·193 words·1 min
Take the following not so hypothetical situation: Project Lead create user story and adds estimate of 3 hours. Developers estimate per hours on tasks within user story totalling 6 hours. Where’s that extra 3 hours come from?
PSR-4 for dummies with practical example
·95 words·1 min
Every time I come to write a new application I always forget how to use PSR-4 so here’s my practical example Directories: - src - - Digital - - - Epok - - - - Controller - - - - - HomePageController.
Quick and Easy Drush Debian Packaging
·181 words·1 min
I found a really nice way of packaging up drush as a debian package without having to go through all the hassle of creating all the files for a “true” debian package.
Drupal Sprints Manchester are back!
·49 words·1 min
After a long break we’re back and ready to get sprinting again. I’m looking forward to getting stuck into Drupal 8 migrate in preparation for my talk at Drupal Camp Yorkshire.
Music that shaped me
·355 words·2 mins
Back when I was a young kid I remember being influenced by so much music. My Dad with heavy rock from the 70/80s, my mum with Elton John and random Christian based music.
The Commit Message Standard
·205 words·1 min
Since we have git flow as a nice standard it makes sense to standardise our commit messages as well. Here’s the following proposed standard: [Updated | Added | Removed (required)] [Component (required)] [Reason] - [Issue Reference (required)]
How To Quit Vim
·8 words·1 min
Here’s my presentation from nwdug in April 2014
Drupal to Octopress to Drupal
·81 words·1 min
Over the weekend I’ve been working on migrating my site away from Drupal. I managed to get everything up and running on Octopress but it just doesn’t feel right. It’s not as flexible as Drupal and it seems the simplest of things breaks it.
Stepping Down from NWDUG
·118 words·1 min
As of the 6th February I’ve stepped down from NWDUG it’s something that I’ve been thinking about for a while now and I now have other things that need my focus.