Unofficial Social Friday Night - Drupal Camp NW 2013
·249 words·2 mins
On Friday the 22nd there will be sprints at Techhub which run in parallel with the business day at Drupal Camp NW 13. I’m hoping to be there for the sprints pending confirmation of my holiday!
Drupal Sprints around the World
·322 words·2 mins
On the 22nd October Manchester saw it’s very first Drupal Sprint, this was run in parallel with London Sprints.
Regular sprints are now becoming a great way to help out with Drupal Core and Contrib.
A Call to Arms - Support your local Drupal Community
·245 words·2 mins
For me the the Drupal community is amazing, it’s always felt like a family, one you can rely on to help and support you.
It’s time for a call to arms, people need to support their local and regional Drupal user groups and events.
Drupal Sprints Manchester 26th October
·143 words·1 min
I’m proud to announce Drupal Sprints Manchester (UK). Last year at Drupal Camp NW I spoke with various other northern Drupalers and decided that we should get together and attempt to emulate Drupal Sprints London.
Music podcasts to checkout
·82 words·1 min
Since I’m commuting a lot more to Manchester I figured I’d start downloading more music podcasts to listen to on the train.
Here are the ones I’ve found so far:
The Deep End
·195 words·1 min
Starting at a new company is always a daunting prospect, you’re never quite sure what to expect.
When I started at CTI I had no choice but to hit the ground running.
Download Drupal to Current Directory using Drush
·60 words·1 min
This has always bugged me, you can’t easily download Drupal to your current directory using drush. After a quick search I found this issue -
The following command works well -
Vagrant Boxes for Drupal Development
·85 words·1 min
During my time off I figured I’d get my dev environment setup for when I start at CTI.
Using the really great I’ve created two new vagrant configs, the first is for Apache the second is for Nginx.
Reveal.js and Zen Coding
·217 words·2 mins
For those that don’t know me I hate HTML and CSS odd considering the profession I’m in.
I love when I see people do cool presentations and I really like to know how they’ve done it.
Kanban All The Things
·108 words·1 min
I’ve started working on some really cool projects now that I have a bit of time spare. I have 4 that I’m running concurrently which is quite a lot considering at least 2 of them are quite big.