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Git just fucking get on with it.
·410 words·2 mins
Here is an unedited version of the post. Raw and uncensored: After many a fruitless and frustrating discussions around git best practices here’s my bulletproof method: Tag it - if you want to release code you have to tag it.
Theorycrafting Drupal Deployment Via Bittorrent
·367 words·2 mins
There was an article floating around a few weeks ago about deploying large scale applications to multiple servers through bittorrent. I remember being at a talk by a Facebook developer who mentioned they did the same.
Better and Smarter Notifications
·535 words·3 mins
I’m sat in my living room in front of my PC, I have my Nexus phone to the right of me just next to my mouse and my Nexus 7 is sat on table behind me.
Watching From the Outside In
·268 words·2 mins
A few years ago I adminned a large IRC channel for indie music, during my time as OP I meet a guy called Garrett (film42) we started chatting over our like for indie music and technology.
An update to DrupalCamp 2013
·140 words·1 min
There’s no easy way to put this but as of this post I’m withdrawing from organising DrupalCamp NW 2013. A lot of things have changed over the past 4 months some good some not so.
Webinar is a dirty word
·215 words·2 mins
As a developer it’s in my best interest to keep up to date with the current technologies and techniques industry leaders are using. Over the past few years I’ve been signed up to many lists from companies that provide webinars.
Testing with Codeception and Drupal Projects
·580 words·3 mins
As part of my increased like of agile development and the control it gives you over your estimates and deliverables I’ve become increasingly aware of the horrible fact our code coverage sucks.
We Went Big...
·385 words·2 mins
This is hopefully going to be the one of the first of many posts going through the motions of organising DrupalCamp NW 2013 or project “WTF are you doing???” The full title of this post is “We went big, now to go bigger”.
On Death
·403 words·2 mins
The following was written and unedited on 13th March 2013 the day after my Grandma died. Death is never an easy subject to tackle, it’s something that everyone must face in their own time.
When does a camp become a conf?
·211 words·1 min
I’m on a train heading back from drupal camp London, after a great weekend it got me thinking what is a camp and where do you draw the line? With over 300 sign ups its rumoured to be one (if not) largest camps in the Europe.