We Went Big...
·385 words·2 mins
This is hopefully going to be the one of the first of many posts going through the motions of organising DrupalCamp NW 2013 or project “WTF are you doing???”
The full title of this post is “We went big, now to go bigger”.
On Death
·403 words·2 mins
The following was written and unedited on 13th March 2013 the day after my Grandma died.
Death is never an easy subject to tackle, it’s something that everyone must face in their own time.
When does a camp become a conf?
·211 words·1 min
I’m on a train heading back from drupal camp London, after a great weekend it got me thinking what is a camp and where do you draw the line?
With over 300 sign ups its rumoured to be one (if not) largest camps in the Europe.
Drupal Deployment using deb packages and Jenkins
·231 words·2 mins
I couldn’t sleep last night due to a stupid amount of coffee while my brother came round so I go to thinking how I could sort out the mess that is currently my production server.
Must have Chrome tools for Drupal Admin
·167 words·1 min
Here are some really handy tools for when you have to deal with Drupals admin interface:
Autofill -
Automatically fill out forms, great for testing node/add forms with specific sets of data, can store profiles for use on multiple sites.
New domain!
·8 words·1 min
I’ve gone all hipster! Say hello to
DrupalCamp NW Wrapup
·526 words·3 mins
After taking a whole 24 hours away from anything DrupalCamp NW related I now feel relaxed and chilled enough to write this.
Over the past few months a team of 4 people have spent every waking second organising DrupalCamp NW - Steph Hosny, Philip Norton and Paul Johnson.
Drupalcamp Retrospective Part 2
·199 words·1 min
I never really finished my first Drupalcamp Retrospective post, I missed out a vital point as to why I do what I do now.
One of the speakers for the day was Robert Douglass, I think he’d just joined Acquia for the first time and was giving a talk on his Apache Solr module.
The 21st Century Music Problem
·84 words·1 min
I’m in an odd situation, my iPod 120gb has died and I have no mass storage media player.
I have a few alternatives but they aren’t feasible with my 250gb+ music collection:
Now You Can Panic
·273 words·2 mins
I’ve been holding this off for a few weeks now, but it’s always been at the back of my mind. I’m a developer at heart, have been for over 10 years and I subscribe to the majority of the developer norms (thankfully not all).