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Coder Manifest
·38 words·1 min
Herein lies the coder manifest. Thou shalt not commit debug to production Thou shalt create test for everything Thou shalt not commit code to production and not deploy Database shall not be kept it thy repository control system
Managing CLI config accross multiple servers/desktops
·154 words·1 min
After using CLI for more than three years I’ve amassed multiple .*rc files for configuration. When I bring a new server/desktop online I needed a way to quickly import all my settings and get up and running.
Blocking Twitter Trends and User Recommendations using Adblock Plus
·49 words·1 min
To block twitters really annoying trends and user recommendations use the following custom filter: Updated via @emaleroland[class*="flex-module trends-container context-trends-container"] Old:[data-component-term="user_recommendations"][data-component-term="trends"] I’ve created a filter list you can import into adblock plus.
Using Jenkins CI and Drupal
·714 words·4 mins
While building my Drupal 7 profile I started playing around with Jenkins CI. My reasons for doing so were two fold: Code Quality I believe in code quality, there are multiple tools out there that will analyse code and report back using various different metrics.
My first Drupal 7 Distribution and what I learnt
·1072 words·6 mins
I’ve been using Tumblr for a few months now as a simple way of sharing the images I find interesting and beautiful (can be found at I found it was lacking in a few features that would be nice, being a Drupal developer I thought hell why not try and recreate it in Drupal 7.


Git log between tags
·26 words·1 min
This has been bugging me for a while, the cheap and easy way to make changelogs: git log 6.x-1.0-beta8...6.x-1.0-beta9 --pretty=format:'%h was %an, message: %s' > ~/changelog.txt
Lazy Mans guide to Aeropress - Part Zwei
·338 words·2 mins
After having quite a few months off from coffee I’m finally back into it and brewing again. This is an updated method I use for brewing Aeropress without any hassle and only the minimum amount of effort.
Using ack with Drupal projects
·46 words·1 min
I decided to move to Ack for searching as it has nice switches like –php and –nosql. By default ack doesn’t recognise .module, .install or .inc files so you have to add them.
DrupalCon London 2011 Wrapup
·201 words·1 min
It’s that time again now that I’m well and truly full of drupalflu. This years pickings were slim to none, not that there wasn’t anything great out there but I just didn’t have the time to go out and grab any.
Web Developers of the Future
·299 words·2 mins
Today I gave a talk to 6th form students at Appleton Academy about getting into the industry and more specifically the drupal industry. It was a very interesting experience, one thing that was clear from the start is that schools suck.