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DrupalCon London 2011 Wrapup
·201 words·1 min
It’s that time again now that I’m well and truly full of drupalflu. This years pickings were slim to none, not that there wasn’t anything great out there but I just didn’t have the time to go out and grab any.
Web Developers of the Future
·299 words·2 mins
Today I gave a talk to 6th form students at Appleton Academy about getting into the industry and more specifically the drupal industry. It was a very interesting experience, one thing that was clear from the start is that schools suck.
Quick lick of paint.
·38 words·1 min
It’s amazing what a quick lick of paint can do! I’m now using a theme called simple clean and overriding all default fonts with a font selected using the Google Fonts module.
That Feeling
·105 words·1 min
You know that feeling… the one where your 2000 meters up staring out over snow covered mountains shaking snow off your skis, looking down the hill, picking the line, clearing your mind, ready for that one last push, sinking down as your skis carve through the snow, leaning into corners as you sweep round effortless turns.
Kickstarting a Drupal Module
·174 words·1 min
Here’s a novel idea, why not use to fund module development? For example (because we can never have to many!) a new Image Slideshow module. The base price would be say $1000 to kick start the development process.
Retiring the forum.
·757 words·4 mins
Note: Due to popular demand I’m publishing this early, there will be future revisions. There’s a post on the mailing list which caught my attention - There has been some chatter on Twitter concerning the future of the forums on drupal.
Lazy Mans Guide to Aeropress Brewing
·255 words·2 mins
For well over a year now I’ve been using an Aeropress. I started with a crappy espresso machine, then moved on to cafetiere, still dabble with filters (Chemex is on my list of things to buy) but the one piece of equipment I’ve stuck with has been my Aeropress.


Module Goto
·140 words·1 min
Module Goto is a small module that extends the great Root Candy theme for Drupal, it provides simple menu that appears on the right hand side of the module page which allows you to click and navigate between the different field sets.
MI1 Dynamic Admin Menu
·61 words·1 min
Record the most used admin menu items and create a menu containing those links. Possibly tie in with Root Candys drop down bar or custom menu support. The idea behind these MI* (Module Idea) posts is for me to quickly post ideas that I have in the hope that I’ll either write the module or someone else will have a go.
Panic Coding
·337 words·2 mins
What started out as an amusing joke at work one day has turned into quite an interesting concept. After mentioning it to my colleagues and developer friends on IRC this seemed to snowball into some kind of monster.