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Remote working is great till it isn't, but I love it!
·439 words·3 mins
Just over three months and I figure it’s time to check in. What can I say I love remote working it suites me very well. I’ve gone form a noisy office full of distractions to a focused purpose built development environment.
Moving the family to slack
·275 words·2 mins
I’ve done the impossible. I’ve moved my family to Slack. After seeing a post making the rounds on twitter a few months ago about moving their family to Slack I decided that I’d try it.
Sculpin to Jekyll
·251 words·2 mins
A while ago I found Sculpin through @opdavies it looked really great, a PHP based blogging engine. It’s pretty decent but there are a few issues with it. Namely this, there’s already a PR for it but it’s not been merged in and doesn’t look like it will any time soon.
My Journey
·233 words·2 mins
The posts below are my journey through the past few years of my life with depression and anxiety. They’re rough, crass and raw. Looking back through all this is a challenge and shows how far I’ve come.
Alias Drupal Composer Project
·43 words·1 min
alias d8build="composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev --stability dev --no-interaction" It’s too big for a tweet but it’s certainly useful, saves me having to remember all the params. Stick that in your .bashrc or .
Traveling with Anxiety
·469 words·3 mins
I’ve been fortunate in my life to be able to travel around a lot, both in the UK and the World. While growing up our family used to go camping a lot, later on we started to go abroad more.
Year in review 2015
·269 words·2 mins
Shamelessly stealing from Lewis Nymans great post I figured I’d do the same and blog about my 2015. Engagement! # December/January saw me get engaged to my partner Hannah, we’re set to get married this June which I’m looking forward to.
Release and Rollback with Robo
·215 words·2 mins
I’ve been looking for a release management tool for a while now. There are quite a lot of tools to do this but I just couldn’t get my head into writing XML for most of them.


Fun with Sculpin
·320 words·2 mins
After migrating my blog over to Sculpin I’ve slowly been tweaking things here and there. Over the past few days I’ve added the following: Static social media links to post titles Posted time ago on homepage Comment counts after read more link Gulp all the things It’s been quite a lot of fun adding all these features.
Personal Development Is Key
·219 words·2 mins
When I decided to leave my last job I had a lot of thoughts running through my head. I knew that moving to WunderUK would be a big change and challenge but I figured it was worth a shot.