Easy Auto Renewal with Letsencrypt
·83 words·1 min
After reading a lot of different docs for letsencrypt I couldn’t find an easy way of auto renewing my domains simply. So after I’ve compiled what I’ve found so far.
New Blog-ish
·243 words·2 mins
I’ve finally moved my blog from Ghost to Sculpin as you can probably see.
It’s all flat file html now which is generated via jenkins. I’m glad to be working with Jenkins again since I never really got on with Bamboo.
Hello World 2.0.0
·568 words·3 mins
It feels like it’s been ages since I last blogged. There are a few reasons for this:
Moved house! # Finally did it! Me and Hannah moved into our lovely new house in Manchester.
Letter to Alex Hynes of Northern Rail
·302 words·2 mins
I sent the following email to the CEO of Northern Rail this morning after over a month of frustrating commutes to work.
Hi Alex,
I’ve recently moved to Swinton in Manchester and I knew in advance that the area was serviced by Northern Rail so my expectations were lower than what I was used to on First Transpennine I wasn’t quite expecting it to be this bad.
Depression is Exhausting
·221 words·2 mins
I’m tired, I’m exhausted. I’m mentally fucked.
I had my first “official” appraisal today and I still can’t shake the feeling that I’ve fucked up. That I’m not good enough and everything is my fault.
Home Office!
·114 words·1 min
Since moving to a new house I have an proper office for the first time so I’m determined to get it right.
I asked on twitter what remote workers would suggest, here are the results:
I fucked up
·128 words·1 min
I fucked up and I fucked up badly.
A few months ago I went cold turkey on propranolol (against all feedback) and after a few weeks the side effects went away and I was fine.
Finite Energy
·405 words·2 mins
I have a finite amount of energy. My energy comes in a few different forms, all important to how I feel on a day to day basis.
I find myself applying energy in the wrong place now.
A little update
·103 words·1 min
The past three weeks have been crazy.
Week 1 - Barcelona
Week 2 - Packing house
Week 3 - PHPNW
Now - Moved in
So lets just recap, I keynoted at Barcelona, packed up my flat, spoke at PHPNW and then moved house the day after.
Coming to terms with contribution
·124 words·1 min
For a long time I wanted to contributed code to Drupal, I have a few times but no where near as much as I thought I was going to do.