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Operation Positive - Day 8
·43 words·1 min
Status: Failish I seem to have been all over the place today. Didn’t really get chance to focus on something for more than 5 minutes. Went to nwdug though and I remember why it’s such an important part of the Manchester Drupal scene.
Operation Positive - Day 7
·66 words·1 min
Status: Fail Just couldn’t seem to get into today at all. Didn’t help that I had no appetite all day and only had porridge for lunch. Coffee did nothing to help me at all.
Operation Positive - Day 6
·46 words·1 min
Status: Success Pretty good day overall, stayed calm regardless of what’s going on. Prepping for my presentation on Wednesday which is actually pretty cool. Added a stupid feature to drush-docset so I can demonstrate it.
Operation Positive - Day 5
·43 words·1 min
Status: Success!!! Woke up next to Hannah and she was smiling, that’s a very nice way to start the day. Really looking forward into our house. I’m still shattered from London but I’m coming round.
Operation Positive - Day 4
·36 words·1 min
Status: Success-ish Still so tired from London. Had a relaxing morning and afternoon though. Hannah came over in the evening and we went for food and drinks which was great. Always feel positive when she’s around.
Operation Positive - Day 3
·55 words·1 min
Status: fail I’m so tired. London really kills me. It doesn’t help that my train was cancelled for the second time in a row. I don’t really have much to say today, the only real positive was that I got to work on some static site search research and look into twig a bit more.
Operation Positive - Day 2
·53 words·1 min
Status: Fail Overall I think today was worse but I can’t put my finger on why, maybe I just wasn’t trying hard enough. I think that various stresses throughout the day didn’t help.
Operation Positive - Day 1
·153 words·1 min
Status: Fail Today was the first day of Operation Positive. The challenge is to not to be negative in the aim of changing how I think. It was a failure but that was to be expected and not a huge problem.
Sunrise & Sunset
·15 words·1 min
Three tracks that are totally awesome, they embody a full day from sunrise to sunset.
The Red Side of Mental Health
·135 words·1 min
There’s a side of mental health that I haven’t openly talked about. That side is money. Not an easy thing to talk about. When I went off work I was on full paid leave for the maximum amount of days, I then went on to statutory.