Drupal + WordPress Sprints Manchester

I’m proud to announce a new collaboration between the Drupal and WordPress communities in Manchester to provide a space to contribute back to each respective project. It’s a great opportunity to get together and work on the projects that we love while being around like minded people. The first sprint will be on the 19th July at TechHub in Manchester. You can sign up here - http://www.eventbrite.com/e/drupal-wordpress-sprints-manchester-tickets-12157905623 with lunch provided.

July 3, 2014 · 1 min · Mike Bell

Drupal Sprints Manchester are back!

After a long break we’re back and ready to get sprinting again. I’m looking forward to getting stuck into Drupal 8 migrate in preparation for my talk at Drupal Camp Yorkshire. More details on the event can be found at http://www.meetup.com/nwdrupal/events/178627442/ don’t forget to read my sprint manifesto here.

April 23, 2014 · 1 min · Mike Bell

Manchester Drupal Sprint Manifesto V2.0

I really enjoy the sprints however there are few issues, some from me and some brought up by others who attend the sprints. I’m hoping to address them. With this in mind here is a revised manifesto for upcoming sprints: Must have a laptop - it’s there in the meet up description! This is not the NWDUG user group - we’re not here for every day Drupal problems, please check the next NWDUG meet up where your questions will be more than welcome.

January 29, 2014 · 1 min · Mike Bell

Unofficial Social Friday Night - Drupal Camp NW 2013

On Friday the 22nd there will be sprints at Techhub which run in parallel with the business day at Drupal Camp NW 13. I’m hoping to be there for the sprints pending confirmation of my holiday! After the sprints/business day it makes sense for everyone to get together and go grab some food and drinks. Since everyone will be around the northern quarter we should make the most of it.

November 16, 2013 · 2 min · Mike Bell

Drupal Sprints around the World

On the 22nd October Manchester saw it’s very first Drupal Sprint, this was run in parallel with London Sprints. Regular sprints are now becoming a great way to help out with Drupal Core and Contrib. In the UK there are now two sprints covering London and Manchester. In India there are 3 user groups all sprinting regularly. No doubt there are some in the US and in other countries. Sprints unlike regular user groups are an ideal place to flex your code knowledge and get your hands dirty.

October 30, 2013 · 2 min · Mike Bell