Vagrant Boxes for Drupal Development
·85 words·1 min
During my time off I figured I’d get my dev environment setup for when I start at CTI.
Using the really great puphpet.com I’ve created two new vagrant configs, the first is for Apache the second is for Nginx.
Theorycrafting Drupal Deployment Via Bittorrent
·367 words·2 mins
There was an article floating around a few weeks ago about deploying large scale applications to multiple servers through bittorrent. I remember being at a talk by a Facebook developer who mentioned they did the same.
An update to DrupalCamp 2013
·140 words·1 min
There’s no easy way to put this but as of this post I’m withdrawing from organising DrupalCamp NW 2013.
A lot of things have changed over the past 4 months some good some not so.
Testing with Codeception and Drupal Projects
·580 words·3 mins
As part of my increased like of agile development and the control it gives you over your estimates and deliverables I’ve become increasingly aware of the horrible fact our code coverage sucks.
Must have Chrome tools for Drupal Admin
·167 words·1 min
Here are some really handy tools for when you have to deal with Drupals admin interface:
Autofill - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nlmmgnhgdeffjkdckmikfpnddkbbfkkk
Automatically fill out forms, great for testing node/add forms with specific sets of data, can store profiles for use on multiple sites.
Using Jenkins CI and Drupal
·714 words·4 mins
While building my Drupal 7 profile I started playing around with Jenkins CI. My reasons for doing so were two fold:
Code Quality I believe in code quality, there are multiple tools out there that will analyse code and report back using various different metrics.
Jquery UI Tabs in Drupal 6
·319 words·2 mins
A few months ago I saw an ubercart shop that had tabbed content on the product pages. Genius idea!
As per rule 35 of drupal/the internet a module probably already exists but I decided to build this from scratch.