Vagrant Boxes for Drupal Development

During my time off I figured I’d get my dev environment setup for when I start at CTI. Using the really great I’ve created two new vagrant configs, the first is for Apache the second is for Nginx. The Changes Removed xhprof and dot file support Added an easier way to provision new vhosts and dbs. Added drush Internals Ubuntu 12.04 PHP 5.3 Usage 1 2 3 git clone git@github....

August 10, 2013 · 1 min · Mike Bell

Theorycrafting Drupal Deployment Via Bittorrent

There was an article floating around a few weeks ago about deploying large scale applications to multiple servers through bittorrent. I remember being at a talk by a Facebook developer who mentioned they did the same. I figured I’d put some thought into how it could be done at a practical level for Drupal sites. Tools Needed: Jenkins - mktorrent - rtorrent/libtorrent - ocelot/gazelle - Jenkins Jenkins can be used to tie all the separate tools together....

June 9, 2013 · 2 min · Mike Bell

An update to DrupalCamp 2013

There’s no easy way to put this but as of this post I’m withdrawing from organising DrupalCamp NW 2013. A lot of things have changed over the past 4 months some good some not so. I intend to spend as much time with my friends and family and avoid the stress of organising the event. Where does this leave the event? Pretty much in the same place as it was a few months ago, I’d love for more people to step up and take charge of the event....

April 20, 2013 · 1 min · Mike Bell

Testing with Codeception and Drupal Projects

As part of my increased like of agile development and the control it gives you over your estimates and deliverables I’ve become increasingly aware of the horrible fact our code coverage sucks. There’s no real way to sugar coat it we don’t do proper testing, it’s bugged me for years. Technical Debt I first read of technical debt over 5 years at my previous job, the basics of technical debt are that every hack/bodge job will bite you in the ass and you will spend more time fixing things in the long run that implementing it correctly....

April 12, 2013 · 3 min · Mike Bell

Must have Chrome tools for Drupal Admin

Here are some really handy tools for when you have to deal with Drupals admin interface: Autofill - Automatically fill out forms, great for testing node/add forms with specific sets of data, can store profiles for use on multiple sites. Edit This Cookie - Excellent tool for checking out cookies on a site, useful when testing SSOs. Link Clump - Right click and highlight a bunch of links then open them up in new tabs, more helpful than you’d think when having to test n number of pages during a migration....

February 13, 2013 · 1 min · Mike Bell