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DrupalCamp NW 2013

Unofficial Social Friday Night - Drupal Camp NW 2013
·249 words·2 mins
On Friday the 22nd there will be sprints at Techhub which run in parallel with the business day at Drupal Camp NW 13. I’m hoping to be there for the sprints pending confirmation of my holiday!
A Call to Arms - Support your local Drupal Community
·245 words·2 mins
For me the the Drupal community is amazing, it’s always felt like a family, one you can rely on to help and support you. It’s time for a call to arms, people need to support their local and regional Drupal user groups and events.
An update to DrupalCamp 2013
·140 words·1 min
There’s no easy way to put this but as of this post I’m withdrawing from organising DrupalCamp NW 2013. A lot of things have changed over the past 4 months some good some not so.
We Went Big...
·385 words·2 mins
This is hopefully going to be the one of the first of many posts going through the motions of organising DrupalCamp NW 2013 or project “WTF are you doing???” The full title of this post is “We went big, now to go bigger”.