Home Assistant Backup to S3

How to easily backup your Home Assistant configuration to an S3 bucket. Steps Go to Supervisor Add-on Store 3 dot menu - Repositories Add https://github.com/mikebell/hassio-backup-s3 Close Once the addon is installed you can click on it and follow the up to date readme file to configure your IAM user and policy. I then use hass-auto-backup with Node-RED to automate the process and send a message to my Discord server when complete.

April 8, 2021 · 1 min · Mike Bell

Smart home

For the last few years I’ve been trying to “smarten” our home up with technology in a security conscious way. There are a lot of IOT technologies out there that rely on third party servers often in undesired locations. When I first started down the smart home route I went with Philips Hue. It’s a great starter in terms of both hardware and software. The Android app is nice but quite slow at times.

July 18, 2020 · 4 min · Mike Bell