My Mind and Me

Below is an update I posted to Convivio and my familly whatsapp group. Parts are redacted. I haven’t really checked in with you all in a while so figured I would give an update on how I am. On the whole I’m feeling much better, the medication seems to be working really well. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I’ll be taking it for a long time which is fine as long as it keeps working.

July 13, 2018 · 2 min · Mike Bell

The Narrative

When I look at my arm I hate it, it doesn’t feel a part of my body, the scars are a constant reminder that I went through a dark time and it’s something that makes me feel angry and ashamed. Living with this is something I’m struggling with at the moment. I hate having to keep my arm covered all the time it’s frustrating since I really don’t like having my forearms covered at all.

January 14, 2018 · 2 min · Mike Bell

My Support Network

One of the things I’ve found quite hard to accept is how awesome my support network has been over the past few months. Hannah - She’s taken days of work to sit with me and keep me company when times were the darkest, she’s looked after me in so many different and amazing ways. She’s fattened me up on sweets when I’ve been unable to eat and provided an endless supply of tea even if she’s still got a way to go when it comes to brewing properly!

December 22, 2017 · 2 min · Mike Bell

It Gets Better

After this post I figured I should write more since I’ve always found it cathartic. The support I’ve had since I published it has been amazing, thanks to everyone who got in touch on twitter and other means, I’m sorry I’ve not replied yet but it’s a bit overwhelming and I’m honestly not sure what I can say. Talking about these things has always been something I’ve wanted to do, I believe that by talking about them it brings them to a wider audience and hopefully helps people to feel like they’re not alone.

December 19, 2017 · 3 min · Mike Bell

It got bad then worse

I’ve always tried to be open and public about my dealings with mental health which is why this post is probably the hardest I’ve ever written. It started a few months ago when I noticed that stress from work was building up to a point where I couldn’t handle it anymore, depression and anxiety hit hard and I lost control again. While not as bad as my first breakdown what happened after was the worst experience of my life.

December 18, 2017 · 4 min · Mike Bell