Sculpin to Jekyll

A while ago I found Sculpin through @opdavies it looked really great, a PHP based blogging engine. It’s pretty decent but there are a few issues with it. Namely this, there’s already a PR for it but it’s not been merged in and doesn’t look like it will any time soon. The bug renders it all pretty useless when trying to modify things. I was initially learning sculpin so that I could move Mental Health Awareness week over to it, but after trying to implement the existing theme in sculpin I found it nearly impossible to get anywhere fast.

February 22, 2016 · 2 min · Mike Bell

Fun with Sculpin

After migrating my blog over to Sculpin I’ve slowly been tweaking things here and there. Over the past few days I’ve added the following: Static social media links to post titles Posted time ago on homepage Comment counts after read more link Gulp all the things It’s been quite a lot of fun adding all these features. They all touch a wide range of services and different parts of the site.

December 28, 2015 · 2 min · Mike Bell

New Blog-ish

I’ve finally moved my blog from Ghost to Sculpin as you can probably see. It’s all flat file html now which is generated via jenkins. I’m glad to be working with Jenkins again since I never really got on with Bamboo. I have quite a nice setup now. When I push a markdown post to the main repo it then triggers a build in jenkins which generates the css and html before copying it all to the webroot.

December 19, 2015 · 2 min · Mike Bell